


During the maintenance, all services of TOPSIC cannot be used. We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Please check the maintenance message. * Administrators can also check from the Information on the top page.

A message about the maintenance time is displayed at the top of the login screen.

Use Restriction

If the maintenance is performed during the test, you may not be able to take the test normally. Therefore, the start of the exam may be limited when the maintenance start time is near. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Exams that may not be completed by the maintenance start time cannot be started.

Example) Current time is 9:00 and the maintenance start time is 10:00.

  • If the time limit for the event is less than 60 minutes, you can start to take the exam.
  • If the time limit for the event is more than 60 minutes, the test cannot be started.

If the start of the exam is restricted, you will be redirected to the exam screen and a maintenance message will be displayed.

Notes for registering examinees for the event (Flat rate)